Demonologists plus cats plus Medieval Europe, what could go wrong? Cast down from their pagan altars, by the Middle Ages cats were not only considered consorts of the Devil, but in some cases even the Devil himself. Demonologists had fixated on them, in particular the possibility that cats could house demons, and possess any number of powers including the ability to spit fire, speak in tongues, and shape shift. And they wouldn't do such things just out of sheer joy, but rather as part of concerted attacks to help the Devil undermine Christianity. Join feline historian Dr. Paul Koudounaris as he lectures on this history and reveals how it's not as old world as you might guess: in more modern times, demonically possessed cats were even believed to exist in the United States. Called by the San Francisco Weekly, "a crucially important pet presentation," the Demonic Cats lecture will give an entirely new insight on bad kitty syndrome. Cat lovers will like this lecture, and cat haters will love it even more.